Thursday, June 09, 2005

Shameless Plug...

For about 4 years now I have been a personal use consultant with Mary Kay. I have a few costomers but I have changed jobs since then and now married with a family and I have put that business on hold. I don't really know why. You know you can make money selling the stuff!!! In fact you know one of the finalist for the Apprentice, Tana, is/was a Mark Kay lady. She was my favorite and I really liked what she did to find out who would buy what and marketing her product. I however amd not that creative, but I woke up this morning thinking... HMMMM as I begin my maternity leave why not give a shamelss plug for my business on my blog.

Well here it is... if you would like to check out that new Mary Kay products and/or interested in purchasing something please go to my web site...
  • My MaryKay website
  • As I'm sitting home with my new baby and my little girl it would be wonderful to get a few new customers. You know one day it would be nice to be independently wealthy as a Mary Kay consultant, I could work less hours and be home with my kids. I'd also really like one of those red jackets, he he he... But for now I'll continue to work the job I love, but maybe I can use the money from to take vacations....

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