Monday, July 24, 2006

Cross country with a baby and a toddler what was I thinking...

Well right now it is great. everyone is sleeping and I have a few quiet minutes to myself so I can jot down a few things that happened...

1. We left at 4 am and Grace woke up with out a care and talked for the first three hours about going to a hotel. "Are we going to the hotel Mom?"

2. I don't know if it was the excitement or what but she threw up all over the floor at McDonald's on Brady street in Davenport. I think she just had too much food in her mouth but... ICKY none the less.

3. It rained and rained and rained.

3.b We went to this Train place where they had their basement set up with Lionel Trains... it was neat, until the guy asked me when I was due ... I didn't want to be rude right back so I said "oh not for a while" and he replied... "Geez Must be twins then." Not good... not good at all.

4. Poor Grace peed her pants.

5. We saw the REAL Bridges in Madison County... that was a mere 4 hour detour.

6. Mac cried.

7. Mac fussed.

8. Mac HATES to ride in the car.

9. The Holiday Inn in Lincoln NE has laundry services so I was able to do all the laundry that got dirty on day one ...

10. We swam and ordered in Pizza. It was a crazy night. Don is a real trouper to put up with me. I am stressing out way too much. This is a vacation right?

I will try to write more when we get to Estes Park, CO.

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