Thursday, July 27, 2006

Bear Lake and our first day at Estes Park

Today’s adventures… After getting in so late last night Maci did not have a very good night. He had us up at 3:00 so Don made him a bottle and we were able to sleep then until 6:30. Maci was so wide-awake and I didn’t want to wake Grace up so I took him out and we walked the streets of Estes Park this morning. Too bad I don’t drink coffee I could have stopped at Starbucks and had a cup. Anyway, we walked all around and I took pictures. I love to take pictures and I have an ok camera but it’s not necessarily the best for artful photos. Anyway we were gone for about an hour, we stopped to find out what there was for breakfast, and then went back to the room. When we got there Grace was looking out the door waiting for us. We watched some cartoons and by 9:00 we were ready to walk.

So my list for today…
1. Grace was excited to be walking… Mac he needed to nap but wasn’t having any of that. We finally put him in the big stroller and he napped for almost 2 hours while we walked around town.

2. Grace got her first pair of cowboy boots. They are white with pink trim!!! She LOVES THEM!!!

3. The whole family went swimming.

4. Have I told you that Mac has no fear? He loves to be in the water with his floaties on and by goodness don’t be touching him he wants to be on his own. He would kick his feet to the get to the steps and he was climbing all over them and then figured out how to jump off the steps into the water. He is something else. I think I need to get the both of them into swimming lessons.

5. We all took a two-hour nap this afternoon. It was great.

6. We paid $9 for a subway sandwich that we just wanted to meat for the kids… there was a grocery store two blocks away and we could have gotten a pound of turkey for that price. Then… the kids wouldn’t even eat the meat.

7. Grace keeps telling me her tummy is hurting her. I’m a bit concerned and we are praying for healing but I think I’m going to have to call the doctor when I get home.

8. We decided to go to the Rocky Mountain State park in the afternoon. We started to do the Trail Ridge Road… 20 foot drop offs with no guard rails. Once we got there we stopped at one of the lookouts and someone told us since we were there so late that we should do Bear Lake and do the other tomorrow. So that is what we did.

9. Did I mention that Grace wore her new cowboy boots to Bear Lake and decided she wanted to go climbing? She got pretty far but I made Don go get her before she slipped bad and fell.

10. Grace had a grand time at Bear Lake. She was going along the trail making up stories and finding the bear paw clues along the way. It was a great lesson for learning her numbers. We called them clues, like on Blue’s Clues, too bad we forgot the handy dandy notebook in the car.

11. Mac road atop Don’s shoulders for most of the trail. Around 7:00 he got fussy and well that really was his bedtime. Poor guy with this trip we are throwing off his schedule. Poor Don isn’t going to have any hair left if he forgets to wear a hat when Mac is on his shoulders. Mac uses Don’s hair as his reins.

12. We went to grocery store to get lunch for tomorrow and we are going to take a sack lunch on our trip so that we don’t have to worry about what the kids eat. It is an hour and a half to go up the dangerous Trail Ridge Road. I am VERY scared of heights but I’m going to do it and it will be ok. I think that we are going to do the whole park and that is 3 hours around and then 3 hours back. It should be beautiful.

13. I love the hotel we are in but we will be moving from here to that Holiday Inn in Estes Park tomorrow night. It should be fun it is a Holidome so after the long wilderness venture we can relax with the kids at the hotel before we travel on to Utah.

14. Remind me that we are not going to deviate from our plan, up to Cheyenne over to Utah. Don wants to go through Vail and Aspen but that is a two-day trip in itself!!!

15. I asked a lady today at a quilt shop who has moved here from Chicago if she ever took the mountains for granted? Did she ever wake up and not appreciate the beauty. She said NO she notices it every day and thanks God she is where she is. I have always wondered that. It is really laid back here and I like that but I don’t think I could live without running water.

Three things I forgot that are out of order…

16. Mac is learning how to tease Grace. It is really pretty funny and I actually said today… Knock it off the two of you.

17. We were driving down the mountain and Don said… “I would like to see the big Sequoias someday”. I told him that would be fine and fun when a little voice from them back seat said, “With me Dad, you’ll take me?!!” Which Don replied, “ Of course Grace I will always take you.” And he got all teary eyed that made his so happy. We are so blessed.

18. Grace told us the whole time we were going to Bear Ridge… “I’m going to march on the trail in my cowboy boots!” And you know what, she did. She just loved it.

Have a great day… we will.

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