Monday, December 19, 2005

I'm getting rid of my Televisions!!!

You know I can't even imagine my life without TV and I know that it would be very hard for my mother to watch both of my children if there weren't televisions in the house to help out for an hour or so from time to time, but I really want to get rid of the televisions in my house. I think that there is so much more that could be done without them. Family time, reading, art, music, play, I don't know just so much more. BUT I'm not the one at home 24/7 so I don't think I can make that decision. After being on the job all day long I would like to come home and sit as a family and eat, talk, laugh, and just enjoy each other's company. Unfortunately, Grace is addicted to Dora the Explorer, Elmo, and Blue. How do I tell her that she can no longer watch her favorites when it is because of me she is so into these programs. Not that they have been all bad. I know from time to time she is trying to speak to me in Spanish and I just don't get it. Or the things that she will point out that she knows or things that she says are just wonderful and unfortunately I can't take credit for many of her new skills. So I guess what I might have to do is start by taking the TV out of the bedroom and when we movel, get rid of another TV and slowly as the family gets older there are less TVs. I don't know... this is just another thing I think about!!!

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