Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Have you ever googled your name?

Tonight while I was checking my email and then I was having trouble sleeping so I thought I would surf the web for a while. In doing so I thought... I'm going to google names of people I know.

I started with Don. I did that because I knew that there were some articles and NCAA articles that I could read about him. In doing so I found a web blog that was written by one of Don's former volleyball players. She didn't like him very much. I felt sort of sad that someone felt this way about him. I sometimes think that kids in today's society confuse passion and wanting the best for the student with a teacher not liking them or being mean. What happened to the days of the teacher and or adult being right, the day of the Nuns hitting you knuckles if you were bad, what happened to the day when a child did what they were to do because it was right... I could blog forever on this subject.

I then moved along to myself... I am glad to say that I could not find much about me. No student blogs nothing... BUT there are many women with the name Christy Woodard, which was my name with my first marriage. In fact there was another teacher in Illinois with the same name... IHSA got us confused at the State track meet one year. I did not look up my maiden name... maybe I will do that tonight.

I then started looking for people from my NEA Intern program. I was happy to find one person that had sort of "disappeared". I didn't get through them all but I think I have found my new hobby.

If you have never Googled your name you might want to see what you find. ENJOY

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