Monday, December 19, 2005

I'm getting rid of my Televisions!!!

You know I can't even imagine my life without TV and I know that it would be very hard for my mother to watch both of my children if there weren't televisions in the house to help out for an hour or so from time to time, but I really want to get rid of the televisions in my house. I think that there is so much more that could be done without them. Family time, reading, art, music, play, I don't know just so much more. BUT I'm not the one at home 24/7 so I don't think I can make that decision. After being on the job all day long I would like to come home and sit as a family and eat, talk, laugh, and just enjoy each other's company. Unfortunately, Grace is addicted to Dora the Explorer, Elmo, and Blue. How do I tell her that she can no longer watch her favorites when it is because of me she is so into these programs. Not that they have been all bad. I know from time to time she is trying to speak to me in Spanish and I just don't get it. Or the things that she will point out that she knows or things that she says are just wonderful and unfortunately I can't take credit for many of her new skills. So I guess what I might have to do is start by taking the TV out of the bedroom and when we movel, get rid of another TV and slowly as the family gets older there are less TVs. I don't know... this is just another thing I think about!!!

Where are the Christmas Movies??

I don't know about you but I am really having an issue with the fact that there are very few Christmas movies on this year. I have seen the standard Rudolph, Frosty, and Charlie Brown Christmas. I think three weeks ago White Christmas was on WGN but it is December 19th and why isn't there a Christmas movie on every night of the week? I even got the TV guide out of the Sunday paper to luck up what I'm missing. What happened to the days of "It's a Wonderful Life" being on every channel any night of the week for the two weeks before Christmas? There's no "Miracle on 34th Street" old, new, or made for tv special. I'm just really upset about this. Where's the "Bishop's Wife" or the "Preacher's Wife"? IF YOU KNOW WILL YOU PLEASE TELL ME WHERE TO LOOK.

The other thing I have noticed is gone are the days of the Variety Show. Martha even use to do a Christmas special. I don't think there is anything of the sort this year. No Bing Crosby, No Perry Como. Regis I think I need you to do a Christmas Variety Show. I'm really in the dumps about this today. I remember this time when I was growing up as a time my Mom and I would sit on the couch, pop popcorn and just be together. I loved watching the old movies with her and it is once again a time I remember as special. If they quit showing these movies am I going to lose that time with my daughter? My Mom is at our house 5 days a week right now and I have to honestly say I was hoping to spend time this week watching the old movies with her and the kids.

Well I guess I need to just deal with the fact that network TV is all about their weekly progamming and Christmas movies and variety shows are a thing of the past. I guess I need to buck up and buy all the old movies so that I can create my own Christmas memories with my children.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The worst President EVER!!!!

The following is an article I read this morning written by Syndicated columnist Richard Reeves. I couldn't agree with him more. I thought I would share it with you all.

Is George Bush the Worst President — Ever?
DECEMBER 2, 2005
PARIS — President John F. Kennedy was considered a historian because of his book "Profiles in Courage," so he received periodic requests to rate the presidents, those lists that usually begin "1. Lincoln, 2. Washington ..."
But after he actually became president himself, he stopped filling them out.
"No one knows what it's like in this office," he said after being in the job. "Even with poor James Buchanan, you can't understand what he did and why without sitting in his place, looking at the papers that passed on his desk, knowing the people he talked with."
Poor James Buchanan, the 15th president, is generally considered the worst president in history. Ironically, the Pennsylvania Democrat, elected in 1856, was one of the most qualified of the 43 men who have served in the highest office. A lawyer, a self-made man, Buchanan served with some distinction in the House, served as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and secretary of state under President James K. Polk. He had a great deal to do with the United States becoming a continental nation — "Manifest Destiny," war with Mexico, and all that. He was also ambassador to Great Britain and was offered a seat on the Supreme Court three separate times.
But he was a confused, indecisive president, who may have made the Civil War inevitable by trying to appease or negotiate with the South. His most recent biographer, Jean Clark, writing for the prestigious American Presidents Series, concluded this year that his actions probably constituted treason. It also did not help that his administration was as corrupt as any in history, and he was widely believed to be homosexual.
Whatever his sexual preferences, his real failures were in refusing to move after South Carolina announced secession from the Union and attacked Fort Sumter, and in supporting both the legality of the pro-slavery constitution of Kansas and the Supreme Court ruling in the Dred Scott case declaring that escaped slaves were not people but property.
He was the guy who in 1861 passed on the mess to the first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln. Buchanan set the standard, a tough record to beat. But there are serious people who believe that George W. Bush will prove to do that, be worse than Buchanan. I have talked with three significant historians in the past few months who would not say it in public, but who are saying privately that Bush will be remembered as the worst of the presidents.
There are some numbers. The History News Network at George Mason University has just polled historians informally on the Bush record. Four hundred and fifteen, about a third of those contacted, answered — maybe they were all crazed liberals — making the project as unofficial as it was interesting. These were the results: 338 said they believed Bush was failing, while 77 said he was succeeding. Fifty said they thought he was the worst president ever. Worse than Buchanan.
This is what those historians said — and it should be noted that some of the criticism about deficit spending and misuse of the military came from self-identified conservatives — about the Bush record:
— He has taken the country into an unwinnable war and alienated friend and foe alike in the process;
— He is bankrupting the country with a combination of aggressive military spending and reduced taxation of the rich;
— He has deliberately and dangerously attacked separation of church and state;
— He has repeatedly "misled," to use a kind word, the American people on affairs domestic and foreign;
— He has proved to be incompetent in affairs domestic (New Orleans) and foreign (Iraq and the battle against al-Qaida);
— He has sacrificed American employment (including the toleration of pension and benefit elimination) to increase overall productivity;
— He is ignorantly hostile to science and technological progress;
— He has tolerated or ignored one of the republic's oldest problems, corporate cheating in supplying the military in wartime.
Quite an indictment. It is, of course, too early to evaluate a president. That, historically, takes decades, and views change over times as results and impact become more obvious. Besides, many of the historians note that however bad Bush seems, they have indeed seen worse men around the White House. Some say Buchanan. Many say Vice President Dick Cheney.

Mr. Reeve's website is give feedback on this column » column archive

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Have you ever googled your name?

Tonight while I was checking my email and then I was having trouble sleeping so I thought I would surf the web for a while. In doing so I thought... I'm going to google names of people I know.

I started with Don. I did that because I knew that there were some articles and NCAA articles that I could read about him. In doing so I found a web blog that was written by one of Don's former volleyball players. She didn't like him very much. I felt sort of sad that someone felt this way about him. I sometimes think that kids in today's society confuse passion and wanting the best for the student with a teacher not liking them or being mean. What happened to the days of the teacher and or adult being right, the day of the Nuns hitting you knuckles if you were bad, what happened to the day when a child did what they were to do because it was right... I could blog forever on this subject.

I then moved along to myself... I am glad to say that I could not find much about me. No student blogs nothing... BUT there are many women with the name Christy Woodard, which was my name with my first marriage. In fact there was another teacher in Illinois with the same name... IHSA got us confused at the State track meet one year. I did not look up my maiden name... maybe I will do that tonight.

I then started looking for people from my NEA Intern program. I was happy to find one person that had sort of "disappeared". I didn't get through them all but I think I have found my new hobby.

If you have never Googled your name you might want to see what you find. ENJOY

Friday, December 02, 2005

WCKG and Pete McMurray


I am not happy about this at all... and if you are not happy about it either help me out in supporting Pete by writing WCKG and tell them not to make a change in their midday programing.

If you have never heard the show you can listen to it live through your computer. Click on my link to the WCKG website and click on their link that says "listen live". I promise you... give it a day or two and you too will like this show.

It is only SNOW

I can't tell you how frustrated I got yesterday dealing with the traffic yesterday. We had our first snow all in Chicago yesterday and you would have thought people had never driven before. It took me 35 minutes take Don to work and 45 minutes to get home. His truck is broke down and so we have been taking the opportunity to spend a few minutes without the kids, BUT 35 minutes because idiots don't know how to drive. IT IS SNOW!! You know if everyone would just slow down a little because it is snow and not drive like the streets aren't wet things would be much better. Some people drive like there is no hazzard, others drive like it were a 10 inch snow fall, and then there are people like me. I drive like there is wet pavement. I keep my distance, 2 seconds between me and the car infront of me, and I drive. I just can't tell you how much people who drive STUPID in bad weather get to me. I was NUTS about this yesterday.

I wonder if there is a difference in the way people from Chicago (this includes the suburbs) and people from downstate are taught to drive. First of all Don is the worse driver I know. Second, you know when I learned how to drive in the snow my Mom took me out on country roads and pretty much got me stuck so I would know how to get out of a drift, taught me how to drive with the car sliding on ice, and how to spin the car out into a donut. I know how to drive. In the wonderful words of Rainman..."I'm a very good driver." My ex-husband might disagree with that statement but he never let me drive so his opinion doesn't count.

Anyway, people people people... remember the next time there is snow. Don't drive like a maniac, keep ample space between you and the guy infront of you so you can stop if someone spins out, and please REMEMBER it is only SNOW!!!