Friday, September 02, 2005

I went and bought diapers

I had to do something. I could not sit idlely by and do nothing. So I went and bought 5 cases of diapers and two cases of wipes. I just could not watch the news without crying over those kids and the pregnant mothers.

I was listening to one of my favorite radio programs, Pete McMurray, and man who's nephew is a police officer down in New Orleans and is trying to get supplies to those who need them. I couldn't listen without feeling like I had to do something. It might have been better for me to give to the Red Cross but I just wanted to do something immediate. So I went and bought 5 cases of Huggies and 2 cases of wipes. You should have seen the looks on the faces of people, especially mothers, as I strolled my cart piled high with all these diapers. At least 5 people asked me, "DO YOU HAVE THAT MANY CHILDREN?" I told them no and explained what I was doing in hopes that others would give something in their own way as well. I then got into a conversation with someone in the check out line who had family down there and they just heard from them that day.

Well, I hope that I did the right thing. I hope they get to where they are suppose to go. Even if they don't get to New Orleans but they get to those in need I will be glad.

I hope that everyone can give in some way. If you have anything think of those who have nothing. Give what you can, and be thankful for what you have.

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